Tuesday, March 1, 2011

we're working on it...

Ok, so I was royally p.o'd at the library today. I go to a family storytime that specifically advertises for families who have kids in different stages. Normally they are very patient and the kids respond really well. No one really fusses when the two and three yr olds walk around and try to touch the books, or inch closer and closer to the leaders. They sometimes whisper to each other and there is LOTS of interactions. The babies kind of crawl around, but moms keep them close. Today there was a "sub" along with one of the regular leaders. They were both impatient, short and cross with everyone practically from the moment we walked in the door. To start things off, today's theme was "trains" and for the first ten minutes rather than read a story about trains the leader tried to go through the parts of the train... in detail.. and with big adult words and concepts! And then halfway through she stopped and scolded the parents for not stopping the children from doing things that are normally fine, and appropriate! I mean they are a bunch of preschool and younger aged kids! The whole point is that they aren't and can't be expected to sit quietly with their hands folded in their laps for 45 minutes. I always sit in the back because lil bit can be a bit grabby (she wants to explore EVERYTHING) and buddy bear is kind of overwhelmed in large crowds, and we were in the back not bothering anyone, and JP was being *a little* seriously little rambunctious, and kind of wasn't feeling it too much (honestly he was bored, and bothered by the change in routine) and was running from one wall to me. He wasnt in anyone's way and wasnt being loud, and i was standing right next to him. Well the "sub" leader singled him out to tell him to settle down (he was not the biggest disruption in the room!) and then told him he would not be able to do the craft if he did not sit down and be quiet... I was so annoyed, because those are not the normal rules, normally they are allowed to move about and PARTICIPATE. If the rules were that he had to sit with his hands in his lap and be quiet the whole time, first I would probably not bring him because that is ridiculous to expect from a two yr old around 17 other 1-5 yr olds, but if I did bring him, I would make him sit and be quiet. I am just annoyed that they were so off of what we are used to.
Anyway, other than that, a decent day. I haven't jogged, but I think I will do my new pilates DVD tonight and possibly hit the gym with my sister :D I worked on getting my garden ready to plant, and decided where to put the new tiers.. I will be a farmer if it kills me :P
I got a bunch of craft stuff, so hopefully I'll be doing a lot more of that kind of thing, especially since it is getting so nice, and we can do it outside on the deck :D The St. Pat's leprechaun hunt is still in the R&D stage.... its getting closer to the "D"
More tomorrow....

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