Sunday, February 27, 2011


My new jogging stroller came yesterday! and we went for a run! YAY

Thursday, February 24, 2011

brilliant, really!

The best way to keep one's house clean? Be sure to invite people over on a regular basis... but make sure it's someone you'd be embarrassed to let in if your home were in a state of disarray. For example, my sister does not count.. she lived with me for years, she'd call my bluff in a heartbeat! Thus the bright idea I came up with today... I am having a St. Patricks day playdate, to search for Leprechauns! I know, its adorable right! Now I actually have to figure out how I'm gonna do that! Eek! oh well, the house'll be clean at the very least!
 In other news stuff I ordered for the kids from Old Navy came yesterday! and I was super excited to find out I had double ordered all of lil bit's swim clothes... cuz I really though I had spent way too much money on the things I had purchased, but since there were two of a lot of it, that makes it A LOT better.
 I can see my floors, and buddy bear has used the potty ALL day... of course he hasn't worn clothes all day either, baby steps people!
 We won't even go into what my diet has been like today...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the begining... well actually the middle, but whatever

So yesterday I had a minor meltdown... but its all good now. I have decided I need someone to be accountable to, so cyberspace will do just fine. I am pretty amazing at lying to myself, so if I think even one single person is reading this, then I have to do what I say I am doing, because I will disappoint you if I don't.
Yesterday I bought a double jogging stroller, and posted a discussion saying I am starting a jogging club. Similar to blogging right now, I will inform at least one someone that I will be someplace at a specific time on a particular day, jogging. If I know that anyone knows this, I will assume someone is going to be meeting me, and therefore I am obligated to meet them and regardless of whether or not they show up I will have to jog, because I have dragged myself and the kids out and gone to the trouble of putting on my workout clothes, so I might as well. I will do this three to five times a week.
Today I took a bunch of "before" pictures of my mess of a house. Now I have to take a bunch of "after" pictures.... So I will have to get to producing the "after" It doesn't matter if anyone cares about the before or the after, its the idea. A plan has been set in motion and I have to see it to fruition....
As of right now, my bathroom scale reads 203.2 I'll let you know what it says next wednesday, and how I feel about that... I do NOT feel good about that 203.2 number just for the record...
Thanks for Reading!